My employer, Dovetail, has a New Jersey office comprising around 150 employees (I'm currently in the US office as I update this blog). At Christmas, the office runs a raffle, whereby employees buy as many tickets as they wish, with a ‘winner take half’ prize at stake. The other 50% goes to charity.
Last year there was an immediately identifiable local charity, what with Hurricane Sandy directly affecting many of the staff, their friends and/or family. This year, senior management were somewhat at a loss as to which charity they should nominate, until the HR director pointed out that they had a member of staff actively participating in a charitable event, and that Dovetail were already contributing towards administration costs.
So today I was asked if it would be ok for the 50% charitable donation to be gifted to Acorns. It wasn't a hard decision to make.
As far as I understand, the draw will be made on Friday of this week. I should know at that point how much extra has been raised towards my target of £10,000.