So why am I not doing the same for a massive task like swimming the Channel? To be ignoring this issue seemed to be inviting myself to fall into every classic pitfall that many unsuccessful Channel swimmers must fall into.
- Why is the success rate of swimming the Channel so low?
- What is the dominating reason for failure?
- How do I go about mitigating against that dominating reason?
- Do I acclimatize now, and somehow manage to continue through the winter? Or do I wait until Feb/Mar, and then begin acclimatization with no need for a break?
- What are my chances of succeeding if I have no answers to the above questions?
Reality check: Get professional help!
So, I have been in contact with Dr. Julie Bradshaw. Julie holds multiple world records for open water swimming, and has completed the Channel crossing twice - once at the age of 15, and subsequently completing the distance in butterfly! Julie has spent 35 years in the business of swimming, and runs a company called GetSet4Success.
Who better to coach me?